Become a Certified Nutritional Consultant

Get Started on Your New Career
C.N.C. Training - Within the Nutritional Consultant [CNC] Training Course, Dr. Rodger, ND teaches about the physical anatomy of the body, the current nutritional deficiencies and illnesses of mankind, and how they demonstrate themselves as symptoms of illness in the mind, body and emotions. Learn what it takes to balance the physical body and relieve issues of chronic inflammation, ulceration and even cancer using natural Earth supplements and organic foods. Discover how the right supplementation in the diet, combined with the important role of foods restores healthy body function. Prepare for the certification exam all throughout your course so that when your training is completed, you are fully ready to take it.
Muscle Testing Intensive - Muscle weakness can show signs and symptoms of underlying issues that can be identified and remedied via nutrition easily. Muscle testing is a Kinesthetic tool used to help determine body weaknesses and imbalances. Discover how most of the main causes of chronic injuries and disease are linked nutritionally and learn how easily symptoms can diagnosed through a series of muscle tests. In this introduction intensive, learn how to tap into the body's inner healing intelligence on a variety of levels with muscle-testing on the structural, emotional and nutritional levels.
Whether you register for the six month Nutrition Consultant [CNC] Training Course as a career opportunity, or simply want to learn more about nutrition and muscle testing, you'll not only learn how you can start your own consulting practice, you'll develop lifelong healthy habits that you can share with family members as well. These courses are great for nurses, dietitians, health workers, nurses aides, hands-on healers, therapeutic touch practitioners, chiropractors, yoga teachers, meditation teachers, metaphysical students, and those who suffer from chronic illness or disease who want to learn how to heal themselves.
C.N.C. Certification can launch even greater opportunities in the health & wellness field.
Your Health is an Investment - Not an Expense