Intro to Muscle Testing / Applied Kinesiology

Tap into the Body's Innate Intelligence
Applied kinesiology (AK), also referred to as muscle testing, it is a method of where the body’s innate intelligence conveys everything that is going on within the body. The body operates on an automatic functioning system that controls all body functions. This automatic system that keeps us alive and healthy has within it, approximately 50 trillion cells. A professionally trained practitioner can tap into this intelligence by testing the muscle system in order to gain answers as to how certain organs might be colluding in illness.
In by-passing the conscious mind of the patient, the practitioner will take a him/her through a series of gentle muscle tests, using corresponding questions and even substances (such as foods or supplements) to help determine what is causing symptoms of illness. The responses by the muscles tells the practitioner, through demonstrated strengths or weaknesses, what is the most beneficial for the body. Thus, the conscious mind of the patient cannot hinder what is truly occurring within the body. A benefit of muscle testing is that it can reveal issues that might have not have appeared on standard tests, (such as X rays or CT scans). Muscle testing can also offer additional body symptom information, guiding doctors to test more specifically, when standard testing remains inconclusive.
An Intro to Muscle Testing - Muscle weakness can show signs and symptoms of underlying issues that can be identified and remedied via nutrition easily. In a two day introduction to muscle testing class, discover how most of the main causes of chronic injuries and disease are linked nutritionally and learn how easily symptoms can be addressed through a series of successive muscle tests. Learn how to tap into the body's inner healing intelligence on a variety of levels with muscle-testing on the structural, emotional and nutritional levels. Practice muscle testing on live subjects and gain a sense of whether this form of diagnostics might enhance your practice or your clients.
Register Below for Upcoming Classes
Register for the Muscle Testing Intensive to enhance diagnostic tools in your own healing practice, or simply to increase self knowledge. This intro class is great for nurses, dietitians, health workers, nurses aides, hands-on healers, therapeutic touch practitioners, chiropractors, yoga teachers, meditation teachers, metaphysical students, and those who suffer from chronic illness or disease who want to learn how to heal themselves.

Spring 2021 Muscle Testing Intensive
June 26, 2022 and July 3, 2022
Two Sundays I 9 AM to 1 PM
Class Fee: $169.00
In just two Sundays, learn about the benefits of utilizing Applied Kinesiology, or muscle testing as a mechanism that allows us to access the body's bio-computer system that can enable you to get direct feedback on what strengthens and weakens an individual’s body via the muscles and meridians. In this short intensive course, learn the basics of this fascinating application, including why it works, how it works and how to establish the body's priority healing needs while practicing skills on live subjects.
*Wear comfortable clothes and bring notepad for taking notes. Educative materials supplied.

SUMMER 2022 Muscle Testing Intensive
Dates To Be Confirmed
Two Sundays I 9 AM to 1 PM
Class Fee: $169.00
In just two Sundays, learn about the benefits of utilizing Applied Kinesiology, or muscle testing as a mechanism that allows us to access the body's bio-computer system that can enable you to get direct feedback on what strengthens and weakens an individual’s body via the muscles and meridians. In this short intensive course, learn the basics of this fascinating application, including why it works, how it works and how to establish the body's priority healing needs while practicing skills on live subjects.
*Wear comfortable clothes and bring notepad for taking notes. Educative materials supplied.

Winter 2023 Muscle Testing Intensive
Dates To be Confirmed
Two Sundays I 9 AM to 1 PM
Class Fee: $169.00
In just two Sundays, learn about the benefits of utilizing Applied Kinesiology, or muscle testing as a mechanism that allows us to access the body's bio-computer system that can enable you to get direct feedback on what strengthens and weakens an individual’s body via the muscles and meridians. In this short intensive course, learn the basics of this fascinating application, including why it works, how it works and how to establish the body's priority healing needs while practicing skills on live subjects.
*Wear comfortable clothes and bring notepad for taking notes. Educative materials supplied.

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