Become a Certified Nutritional Consultant
About the C.N.C. Course
No professional criteria is required to take this course, just a desire to learn! Whether you take the course with career goals in mind or just want to learn more about good nutrition, registered students will be expected to commit fully to the six months of bi-monthly Sunday classes. Students are responsible for purchasing course required textbooks, (list is provided at registration). The final exam is optional. Those choosing to take the exam are responsible for exam fees.
Course Requirements
Twelve course modules explore the Wholistic food and natural supplement industry. Learn how the body utilizes foods for basic metabolic function and how it breaks down systematically from processed and sugar-based foods. Each disease is seen with new eyes as one learns exactly how the human body system can heal itself when organic foods are taken in. Business aspects for setting up a consulting practice are included. Course prepares students for an exam series for C.N.C. certification.
Course Syllabus
C.N.C certification is awarded to those who complete the required A.A.N.C. course exam series. This is a recognized qualification in the field of nutrition and the designation C.N.C. can be used after your name once qualified. The Certification Program is maintained as a service to Professional Members of A.A.N.C. Successful candidates will become members to be nationally listed as certified consultants once the certification requirements determined by the Commission have been met.
Exam & Certification
Get Ready to Change Your Life!
Career Training - Get your start in the Wholistic industry by taking a six month course in nutrition. Not only will you learn everything you need to know to become nutritionally sound and healthy as you can be, you have the opportunity to earn a certificate that qualifies you as a Certified Nutritional Consultant (C.N.C.).
No professional criteria is required to take this course, only a desire to learn! Whether you are taking the course with career goals in mind or just want to learn more about how to Wholistically nurture your body, once registered, students taking the training for the exam will be expected to commit fully to the required six months of Bi-monthly Sunday classes. Each student is responsible for the purchasing of required textbooks, (list will be provided at registration), and must have the syllabus required textbook in possession prior to each class. The final exam is optional. Those choosing to take the exam will be responsible for membership and exam fees. It is not compulsory to take the exam as Dr. Rodger’s fee is for education only. Many people just want to understand how their body works and how to keep it healthy using organic food and herbs.
The Syllabus - There are 11 modules taught in the course, with corresponding text books. Within the Nutritional Consultant Training Course, Dr. Rodger, ND teaches about the physical anatomy of the body and how nutritional deficiencies demonstrate themselves as symptoms of illness in the mind, body and emotional system. The Wholistic and Allopathic health industries are examined to enlighten students as to varied healing choices and opportunities that are available in today's market. This includes pediatric challenges such as ADD, ADHD, Asperger's and Spectrum children. Learn what it takes to balance and maintain a healthy physical body and how to relieve issues of chronic inflammation, ulceration and even cancer using natural Earth supplements and organic foods. Discover how the right supplementation in the diet, combined with the important role of foods restores healthy body function. Business aspects of how to set up a consulting practice are included. Prepare for the certification exam all throughout your course so that when your training is completed, you are fully ready to take it.
Certification - An A.A.N.C certificate will be awarded to students who complete the series of final exams at end of the course. This is a recognized qualification in the field of nutrition and the designation C.N.C. can be used after your name once qualified. The Certification Program for nutritional consultants is maintained as a service to Professional Members of A.A.N.C. Successful candidates are authorized to carry the initials C.N.C. after their names and are issued a special second certificate (in addition to their Membership Certificate) attesting to the fact they have met all of the certification requirements as determined by the Commission on Certification of A.A.N.C. *

Regaining Health Means Returning to our Roots
Register Now for Upcoming Courses
Whether you register for the six month Nutrition Consultant [CNC] Training Course as a career opportunity, or simply want to learn more about nutrition and muscle testing, you'll not only learn about how to start your own consulting practice, you'll develop lifelong healthy habits that you can share with family members as well. These courses are great for nurses, dietitians, health workers, nurses aides, hands-on healers, therapeutic touch practitioners, chiropractors, yoga teachers, meditation teachers, metaphysical students, and those who suffer from chronic illness or disease who want to learn how to heal themselves.

WINTER/SUMMER Certified Nutritional Consultant Course
February 16, 2025 - June 22, 2025
Bi-Monthly on Sundays 9 AM to 1 PM
Course Fee: $1950.00 [Payment Plan Available]
Every other Sunday, for six months you will train directly under Dr. Rodger, ND, in a course designed to get you launched into the vast and exciting field of Wholistic Health and Wellness. Fast track your way into the world of professional nutritional counseling by taking a Nutrition Consultation Course that prepares you to obtain a C.N.C. Certificate [Certified Nutritional Consultant]. Learn the basic principles of nutrition, including how to start your very own practice. *Textbooks and exam fees are not included. Students will be sent the required textbook list prior to start. * Limited seats! [Payment Plan / 6 Installments of $325.00
Total Course Payment

Installment Course Payment

Fall/Winter Certified Nutritional Consultant Course
September 24, 2023 - February 18, 2024
Bi-Monthly on Sundays 9 AM to 1 PM
Course Fee: $1,950.00 [Payment Plan Available]
Every other Sunday, for six months you will train directly under Dr. Rodger, ND, in a course designed to get you launched into the vast and exciting field of Wholistic Health and Wellness. Fast track your way into the world of professional nutritional counseling by taking a Nutrition Consultation Course that prepares you to obtain a C.N.C. Certificate [Certified Nutritional Consultant]. Learn the basic principles of nutrition, including how to start your very own practice. *Textbooks and exam fees are not included. Students will be sent the required text book list prior to start. [Payment Plan / 6 Installments of $325.00]
Total Course Payment

Installment Course Payment

FALL 2024 Certified Nutritional Consultant Course
September 2024 - February 2025
Bi-Monthly on Sundays 9 AM to 1 PM
Course Fee: $1,950 [Payment Plan / 6 Installments $325.00]
Every other Sunday, for six months you will train directly under Dr. Rodger, ND, in a course designed to get you launched into the vast and exciting field of Wholistic Health and Wellness. Fast track your way into the world of professional nutritional counseling by taking a Nutrition Consultation Course that prepares you to obtain a C.N.C. Certificate [Certified Nutritional Consultant]. Learn the basic principles of nutrition, including how to start your very own practice. *Textbooks and exam fees are not included. Students will be sent the required text book list prior to start. [Payment Plan / 6 Installments of $325.00]
Total Course Payment

Installment Course Payment

Your Health is an Investment - Not an Expense